Thank you for your ideas

Our thanks to all who attended our Webinar and drop in sessions during July and August 2024, and to those who have posted comments below. We are currently compiling all the feedback and will provide a summary shortly. In the meantime if you have any more feedback on our plans, please now email them directly to the Project Team at

1. How are the plans for Rossdale coming along?

Have a look at our Ideas Plan and let us know your initial thoughts about what is proposed. What other information would you like?

11 August, 2024

Ethan says:

I don't think adding apartments, units and tons of houses is a great idea. It shoukd be more like 80% green space and 20% housing.

10 August, 2024

Matthew says:

Lack of infrastructure for new housing. Schools, sports, roads. Traffic at Edithvale and Wells Rd is already an evening nighmare

8 August, 2024

Nathan B says:

Local infrastructure is unable to support the proposed plans. The residential streets are not suitable to take the projected traffic

6 August, 2024

Field Ave Resident says:

I doubt about the ability of the roads surrounding Rossdale to accommodate the additional amount of traffic created by the development.

6 August, 2024

E says:

I think there definitely needs to be plans to include at least 1 more oval to cater for junior sport, lots more parking, more parks

5 August, 2024

dougrafter1944@gmail says:

The longbeach area lacks retirement accommodation choices. This is an opportunity to build retirement unattached units & apartments.

4 August, 2024

Michael says:

The strip from the end of Nirringa Ave to the wetlands has an innundation overlay on it. Why are you showing 3-4 storey apartments in it?

4 August, 2024

RZT says:

Very worried about risk of overdeveloping rossdale. Aspendale streets, public services can't cope with it and we'd lose so much green space.

2 August, 2024

Paul says:

Worried about flooding for both the new and existing houses, loss of habitat for birds with the huge reduction in open space

1 August, 2024

Craig says:

Balance is skewed too greatly towards housing. This proposal is problematic. Scale back housing, replace with accessible useable green space

31 July, 2024

Jenny Regan says:

Lack of green wedge for existing borderers of the course Traffic surge to surrounding streets Kinross Montrose Way to many houses!

30 July, 2024

Kate says:

Need to include another football oval and Netball courts, more sporting opportunities will attract more people to the housing project.

2. What is the ideal mix of housing types?

A range of housing types are being proposed for Rossdale. Getting the mix right for the community is critical and we would welcome your views.

8 August, 2024

Nathan B says:

Minimum 550sqm single blocks to blend in with the rest of the suburb. Dual duplex’s on minimum (split) 600sqm.

6 August, 2024

Big Fella says:

Prefer a golf course.

6 August, 2024

E says:

Low density, retirement homes. Not high density, it’s too congested already. Green space over housing

4 August, 2024

RzT says:

Housing should be max of 2 storeys. We should maintain no apartments restrictions in this part of aspendale (inland). A lot more green space

1 August, 2024

Craig says:

less high density town houses/apts. area will not cope with much more congestion. less homes is less strain on already stretched services.

30 July, 2024

Peter says:

There should be housing instead of apartments. The current and proposed infrastructure could not tolerate the additional vehicles.

29 July, 2024

Steph says:

Family homes and more green spaces to reduce congestion.

28 July, 2024

Sonshi12 says:

Retirement village- town houses- apartments max. 3 levels- suburban houses for large blocks only. Wider streets.

28 July, 2024

Monty says:

This is where they should have built the new swimming pool, using this space for community not so much housing.

28 July, 2024

Mel says:

Aspendale can't deal with this much density. Normal family houses required not townhouses and apartments.Infrasture can't cope with this

24 July, 2024

too_many_houses says:

More low density. Bigger family homes needed.

24 July, 2024

Kate says:

The majority of the housing should be family homes like the rest of the community. Townhouses should be put right out back where we can’t se

3. Have we got the amount of open space and habitat preservation right?

Approximately 30% of the site is proposed for public open space along with 1.1 Hectares of permanent wetlands.

8 August, 2024

Nathan B says:

No. Proposed open space is flood plains and no physical activity can be carried out on them. Another sporting oval & club house as a minimum

4 August, 2024

Rachel says:

No. Balance is not right. Much more open space needed. So much wildlife and greenery will be lost which is sad for our environment.

4 August, 2024

Michael says:

The entire eastern area subject to innundation should be open space. You shouldn't be proposing 3-4 storey apartments in the northern part.

4 August, 2024

RZT says:

No. Current plans have most public open space close to wetlands where they can't build anyway (flood zone). It should be spread across site.

30 July, 2024

Craig says:

Where is the 30%? excl. the wetlands & existing Regents park, it doesn't look like there is 30% of accessible useable open space on the site

30 July, 2024

Peter says:

More parklands should be made available. Wetlands may become inaccessible when wet which will restrict green space available for public.

28 July, 2024

Sonshi12 says:

That is ample. It needs to fit in with nearby Asp/ Edi. Not require any more. Ignore claims of destruction of trees. More than elsewhere.

28 July, 2024

Mel says:

More protection of flora and fauna.Open space is built over wetlands which can't be built upon.Green wedge for residents backing onto course

24 July, 2024

Kate says:

No definitely not in the right areas. Only the areas that benefit the most profit for Rossdale.

24 July, 2024

Bozza says:

Expand the open space to allow for more sporting grounds to accommodate the extra residents.

22 July, 2024

Casey says:

No, should be more. Protection of flora and fauna should be priority.

21 July, 2024

Jang says:

No half the amount of housing, no double storey. Ensure car parking space for each home. Ensure the mature trees are protected.

4. What is most important when it comes to creating a vibrant community at Rossdale?

We welcome your ideas on community facilities, linking Rossdale to surrounding neighbourhoods and how to create a vibrant Rossdale.

11 August, 2024

Erhan says:

The nature and calm suburb. No new houses

6 August, 2024

E says:

Kids need nature around, not more housing blocks. “Vibrant” comes from connecting with each other in nature, sporting clubs etc. not housing

4 August, 2024

Michael says:

Who says it needs to be "vibrant"? What's wrong with quiet? That's what it is now. Drive to Mordialloc town centre if you want "vibrant".

4 August, 2024

RzT says:

More parks, green space and access for the community equally spread across the site, not only in flood areas where they can't build anyway.

1 August, 2024

Craig says:

community services & participation. shared community spaces are as important as housing. real opportunity for a recreational hub plus homes.

31 July, 2024

Jenny regan says:

Another footy Oval Way Less houses More green space to Flood mitigation beyond Kinross, where green stops Uninsurable as flood plane

30 July, 2024

JM says:

9 hole course. Pickleball. More tennis courts. Another AFL oval. Driving range. Cafe/restaurant. Keep the vegetation!! Minimal new houses

30 July, 2024

Peter says:

The clubhouse could be used as cafe/restaurant/function centre. This will give current and new residents additional facilities.

29 July, 2024

Shane B says:

Retain 9 holes of golf course and recruit better financial managers to run it

28 July, 2024

Sonshi12 says:

Reasonable road access for residents. Access to Green space and to trails. Don’t need cafes just a small supermarket. No playing fields.

25 July, 2024

Jackie Lee says:

Keep the social club. 9 one golf course. Expand the playing fields

24 July, 2024

too_many_houses says:

More infrastructure. More cafes, restaurants and retail with adequate parking.

5. What are your ideas about protecting and bringing to life the heritage of Rossdale?

Cultural heritage, protecting valuable vegetation and honouring the current use of the site all need to be considered. What are your thoughts?

11 August, 2024

Ethan says:

Do not build that much housing

6 August, 2024

E says:

Preserve the natural wetlands, flora and fauna. Less building. Utilise current buildings rather than building more.

4 August, 2024

Rachel says:

Less housing. Preserve more of the existing vegetation/trees/gardens/open space/natural habitat.

4 August, 2024

RzT says:

Keeping more of current trees and vegetation. A lot less housing. Keeping club house as bar / restaurant for community, add kids facilities.

30 July, 2024

JM says:

Do not destroy vegetation!!

28 July, 2024

Mel says:

Consult with the Indigenous elders regarding this.Protect the trees&habitat or native wild life. More open space.

25 July, 2024

Jackie Lee says:

Keep the course.

21 July, 2024

Jang says:

Have the traditional owners, the Bunnering people been consulted?

20 July, 2024

Rachel says:

Have you consulted with Bunerong Land Council? How are you honouring our local Indigenous people and their culture?

18 July, 2024

Philip says:

Planting indigenous plants and bird attracting trees and plants is vital. Sadly lots of bird life will be lost with this development

18 July, 2024

Robert says:

Neighbours high value trees need to also be considered.

17 July, 2024

Billie A says:

Protecting high value/old trees and vegetation. Ask Traditional Owners and Custodians of the Land to see how they want the land protected.

6. Anything else you would like to add?

All views are most welcome. Please have your say.

6 August, 2024

Field Ave resident. says:

At a minimum, more land should be provided to the Regents Park oval area. They are short of space.

6 August, 2024

E says:

Any housing development to that area is going to be catastrophic to congestion, pollution etc. and impossible to access for sport.

4 August, 2024

Rachel says:

Very concerned about high number of houses. Traffic in/out and on station street will be a nightmare. Particularly with level x-ing removal

4 August, 2024

Michael says:

There should be no buildings in the NE flood zone, particular right up to the property boundary - and no 3-4 storey units anywhere!

4 August, 2024

RZT says:

Streets defined as main access points are too narrow. Way more access points should be added and a lot less housing allowed.

31 July, 2024

Jenny Regan says:

Dont disrespect the borders We still need our privacy Your taking out views Give us a BIG GREEN WEDGE I still want to see my bird families

29 July, 2024

NaomiF says:

Why not sell another small parcel of land to pay the debt. New management who is about the community not just golf would be beneficial too.

28 July, 2024

Sonshi12 says:

Keep it simple and enable access for residents in and out using all transport modes. Excellent drainage and retain key large trees.

28 July, 2024

Mel says:

Listen to the concerns of residents.More open space,look after residents who back onto the course.Traffic will be a nightmare.

24 July, 2024

Kate says:

Rossdale Board and members . Think of the community that has supported your club over 100 years. Leave a mark in a good way , not a bad one.

22 July, 2024

Casey says:

Small density housing, retail, community spaces, nature park, BBQs, paths for people and bikes, preservation of flora and fauna.

21 July, 2024

Jang says:

Bigger blocks, one dwelling on each block. Parks and schools need to be included in plan.